Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 252- Lil' angel, Lil' devil

I had a very long day today, starting with work at 7 and just now sitting down to write tomorrow's IEP.  I had a great conference today and learned a lot with co-teaching.  I hope to be able to implement some of it in the near future.
This evening Jackson and Vivienne played nicely as I got everything ready for dinner, then after dinner Jackson's newest trick showed up again.  He thinks saying "I'm sorry" means he can do whatever he wants.  So after 2 time-outs, he finally got ready for his bath without hitting or kicking. Vivienne, on the other hand, was having a ball trying to crawl in her crib (she is doing great going backwards lol).  Then after his bath, Jackson was a new kid.  He cleaned up all of his toys and is now playing with his trains while I work on my IEP and watch Survivor.  Hopefully I get done soon, because getting up early is really rough, when a normal wake up time is 5:30!
Happy lady 
she scooted all the way to the back 
Time out toddler 
 Mad at "mean Mama"
Sleepy baby 
total 180 after the bath

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