Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16- You don't need another baby Mama

Since Russell was sick today, it was just me and Jackson as neither of us can afford to get sick now.  We had a fun day bringing up and washing all of his old baby stuff, getting out of this germy house, and enjoying some playtime in the play room.  Jackson had to try out all of the old baby stuff and figured out that he can push the Rock n Play around the house.  Looks like the new baby may be up for some rides around the house.  We'll see next week if he's willing to share all of those things I guess.
After he got up from his nap, we went out to a lunch at Dairy Queen, got some things at Wal Mart, and stopped at CVS to pick up some pictures.  Jackson must have been starving because he ate an entire Kids Meal full of chicken strips, apple sauce, milk and ice cream and then ate half of my fries.  Needless to say, dinner was minimal.  He was having a great time dancing to the music and just being silly.  It was nice to eat out with him and not have him super distracted or demanding to run around.

This is what I found when I got back from letting the dogs in.  He dragged the tub out and was hanging out in it.  I can't believe he used to make it look so big.  
 I'm not handing over my first bed!
He enjoyed watching TV in his Rock N Play 
 Moving it to a more convenient location
Playing with cars and acting like a big boy
Hanging out with his best buddy

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