Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 20- Welcome Vivienne Jane

Today was the big day.  After Jackson slept in and we had to wake him up to get him to Ms. Brenda's we checked into the hospital and didn't spend a whole lot of time waiting.  This surgery was so much easier/nicer than the emergency one with Jackson.  The doctors all talked to me to tell me exactly what was happening, let me wear my glasses through the whole thing, and one, whose children go to Ms. Brenda too, stayed extra and let me call Brenda while they were sewing me up.  Vivienne was born with no real complications at 12:51 pm.  She was 6lbs 11oz (the same as Jackson) and 20 inches long (1/2 inch longer than Jackson).  Jackson was sick on and off all day with a fever so it was just a quick visit in the evening.  He didn't seem to realize that Vivienne was a little person and didn't have much to do with her.  Since Jackson was sick, Russell spent the night at home with him and my mom was nice enough to stay and help me out with the baby.  We were spoiled by a quick visit and lots of presents from Candy and Patricia, which was awesome. Jackson had things to play with when he came and now we have some clothes small enough for Vivienne.  She was a pro at breastfeeding from the first try and not too fussy, though she wanted to be up all night long. 
I finally get her now that I'm back from recovery 
 Dad hanging out with Vivienne while I'm in recovery
 Vivienne Jane
 Jackson's not so sure
Jackson's still a little scared of her 
 Trying to get a quick family photo

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