Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 66- A taste of work

I had an IEP meeting to go to this afternoon and Vivienne came along in the sleepy wrap.  She slept through the majority of the meeting and I just had to take her and feed her right before signing papers. I'm absolutely exhausted today, I'm not sure how I'm going to make it back to work- I know I'll have to stop reading after she falls asleep for sure!  I'm getting more and more organized though, so hopefully I can keep it up.
I conveniently forgot I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, so Brenda gets Vivienne 2 days in a row (I had Zumba today).

Russell came home tonight and he and Jackson spent a lot of time together this evening.  They went to Walmart and picked up a fast food dinner.  The meeting took longer than I thought at school and I didn't get a chance to prep dinner- I guess I should have done the crock pot!  Russell surprised me with a shamrock shake and immediately I heard the bird "mine mine" with big puppy eyes.  So Jackson got a good bit of my shake- I mean how can you say no to "mine, mine peeeeeeaaaaaase haha" (translation: mine please- I know your going to give in laugh)

Then I promise this won't become a recurring theme, but Jackson pooped on the potty for the first time :)  I'm thinking we're going to work a little on potty training in the next few days that I'm home with him before I go back to work.  Introduce it again over spring break and then really tackle it hard this summer.  That's my plan anyway- I'm sure Jackson will have other ideas and my plan will change. Until then, I'm super glad we use cloth diapers because I'm in no hurry for him to be potty trained!

Jackson likes to press the button to decide what Vivienne gets to listen to in the bouncer 
 Stealing Mama's shake
Pooping in the potty! You know you're super excited we got a picture lol (I promise no more potty posts until he goes trainer/diaper free)
How Miss Vivienne spent most of the day (and is currently laying on me) thanks to the 6 week growth spurt

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