Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 69- Lala

I've been up with one kid or another since 4:00 this morning.  It took me until midnight last night to get everything done that needed to be done.  So it's going to be pretty short.  We had a pretty relaxed morning reading and playing blocks.  Then we went to Burger King for lunch because it was cold out and BK has the only indoor play area in Elkins.  He was great, sat in his seat and ate and only got mad a couple of times.  Once because I wouldn't let him hold the open milk by himself and twice because people were looking at him.  Granted they were looking because he would yell good after every bite, but he would hide his eyes and yell whenever someone tried to look at him or God forbid , interact with him.  After that we went to Walmart.  Once we got home he took a 3 hour nap and Vivienne and I got to stay up and play a bit.  The rest of the evening went well and I finally have little miss stubborn (she did not want to give in to the sleep) in bed, so I'm not far behind!
 Happy girl around 6 am
Getting more and more smiles 
 His hideous cheese face
Very intently reading his new Mickey Mouse books from Patricia and Candy 
 In their la la clothes (Jackson calls Elmo "lala" because that's the song he sings- la la la la Elmo's World)
 Joe and Bernie relaxing in the playroom
 So yeah, we're sesame street fans- Jackson in his sesame street outfit, with sesame street shoes, on his sesame street car....hey it's better than sponge bob
Drawing with his window markers 
 talking to mama while on her mat
 Her excited face, followed by lots of excited cooing
 reaching for the elephant
She got the monkey :)  
Fluffy butt friday- her new girly piddle poddles 
Getting ready for bed in her Twinkie Tush (which she has a matching headband for :) )


  1. I love the white Sesame Street sleeper Vivienne is wearing in these pics! Where did you find it?

  2. It was a 2 pack with the elmo one she has on at k-mart!
