Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 152- Sick Baby :(

Vivienne had a really rough day today, she wasn't feeling well and her little bottom is so red.  Teething is a terrible thing.  Jackson was an awesome big brother and even gave her Mr. Monkey to hold for a little while.  She did take a really good nap on me today though so she was doing a little better this evening.  She went to sleep smiling, so I'll take that as a good sign.  Since I was working with a sick little lady today there aren't very many pictures, but you'll have days like that.
 No Mom- no Melmo- choo choo
He just looks guilty 
Feeding Vivienne a hamburger 
30 seconds of happiness, he was still trying to give her the hamburger 
(as you can see he's a persistent child)  I asked him to get Vivienne her rattle, forgetting it was in the pack n' play.  He somehow pulled at things until he got it, without complaint- awesome kid :) 
She had on no diaper to let her bottom air out and heal.  I put her on my shoulder to burp and she passed out.  Anytime I tried to move her she started to squeal.  Needless to say in the 3 hour nap, I was peed on- twice... but she did get some much needed sleep, being a mom is so glamorous  
Ready for bed with a bear and a smile :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 151- 4 month stats

We had a rough day here.  Well, Vivienne had a rough day- Jackson was excellent. The teething poo has hit and her poor little bottom is bright red :(  Coupled with an upset tummy from the drool and then shots this afternoon, she was not a happy camper.  I finally gave in and gave her motrin so she could get some much needed sleep.  Jackson has been so patient today, as she has been pretty needy. He'd happily play by himself, read books to me, watch choo choo, get burp cloths, etc.  I'm really lucky to have such an awesome toddler.
Oh and Vivienne rolled over today, finally.  She went from back to belly and then flipped out b/c she was stuck on her belly and then wouldn't try again.  Oh well, she can do it :) We did have some good moments today and I loved how cuddly she was.  I just wish she felt better.  Hopefully tomorrow she wakes up refreshed and feeling good and the coconut oil does its job and her bottom is better.
Her four month stats (10 days late) are: 24.5 inches (31%) 15lbs 4oz (65%)
Looking back, Jackson was: 25.5 inches and 14lbs 14oz they aren't too far off, though clothing wise, I definitely see the difference.
Morning mama 
Little bit of Thomas time so Mama can do some homework 
 Vivienne lost her teether, so Jackson filled in
He had eggs EVERYWHERE 
Come on Joe! 
 Chillin' pool side
Talking to Bernie and Joe 
 Making a train
Here Mama- you play 
Nap time in the swing 
He insisted on using my fork or he wouldn't eat the strawberries 
Clearly, it's the little things in life 
Another brief nap- notice her camo band aids- true WV doctors. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 150- How did it get so late, so soon?

It's really hard to believe that I was just adjusting to the fact that I was pregnant at this time last year.  Now I have a beautiful, happy, healthy four month old and a walking, talking, hilarious little boy- it seems like this year has flown by. Today was my last working day of the school year. We had a great day.  Jackson and I hung out at school with his new friend "goo goo" aka Jacob and Melanie.  It was nice to have fun with just Jackson. Vivienne was spoiled rotten at Ms. Brenda's.  We came home and had a great evening and both kids were out by 9:00.  So I've stayed up late talking on the phone and watching TV and NOT cleaning and NOT doing homework.  I'll get back on track tomorrow- whatever time we get up.  Hope all my fellow teachers out there have a wonderful summer!
Mama- mine baby 
Chilling out and chatting with us during dinner 
 Jackson liked his peaches a little bit
 and his veggies even better
 Or he just wanted a hat
She's too close to my car, must hide 

She fell asleep in the crib while I read Jackson Goodnight Train.  She slept in there like that for almost an hour. 
After she got up, "tricked you mama!"

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 149- Garden

Tomorrow is my last day of work!  Until summer school starts at least, but Jackson is coming with me so he can play with Jacob and Vivienne is getting a day with Ms. Brenda.  We planted our garden tonight and Jackson was such a big helper.  He carried water over from his pool, dug holes, and filled in dirt around the plants.  He was having a great time.  Then a thunderstorm came on quickly and ended our fun for a while.  Jackson was furious with us that we wouldn't let him play in the lightning.  However, when the storm moved on he forgot all about it and went right back in the pool.
Vivienne on the other hand had a very tough day with her teeth.  It's strange, they don't seem to bother her until after that initial cut is made.  She woke up within 15 minutes every time I put her down today and it took me three tries to get her in bed for the night.  On a good note, she's getting more and more verbal, she let a few giggles escape, and when she was in a good mood she was a lot of fun. 
 Running away before nap time after another pool adventure when he was supposed to be helping dad out front ( I never really got the full story on this one)
Showing Vivienne how to keep herself busy while we plant 
 Bringing me water from the pool (This was his idea and he was so proud of himself even though there was only an inch of water left by the time he made it to the garden)
Using the big shovel 
 pouring dirt on his feet (he's just like mama barefoot and happy!)
 Planting tomatoes together- nice farmer's tan dada
 Trying to fill his bucket, upside down (I guess I'm not going to have to worry about that mensa application)
Getting ready for pepper plants 
 Running in the rain
 Being Joe Dog
Are you kidding me? 
Hanging on the porch swing

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 148- Lazy Day

We had a pretty lazy morning, watching TV and playing with toys.  After nap time (which was only Jackson and was 3 hours long) we headed out to get the plants for our garden, get subway, and pick up a couple of things from Walmart.  Jackson loved jumping in all of the puddles at Crazy Harry's and Vivienne was happy to just hang out in the Moby.  At Subway Jackson ate all but one bite of meatball and an entire dressing cup full of olives- his newest favorite food.  Again, Vivienne was good as can be.  Then we walked around Walmart to get a couple of groceries and some teething tablets for Little Miss since her second tooth broke through last night. Jackson managed to get a new dinosaur and both kids were so well behaved.  It was so nice not to have to rush through anything because we had one kid or another too tired, wet, dirty, or hungry to go on.  I think we're finally getting to the ages that we can go out again lol.  When we got home Russell was unlocking the door and I was trying to calm a now hysterical baby who just realized she was hungry and tired when we hear a splash.  Jackson just jumped right on in his pool, with his dinosaur, fully clothed.  He just sat there smiling and I couldn't help but crack up laughing.  A great end to a pretty nice evening :)
 Checking out her big brother
Enjoying her cool teething washcloth  
Skipping naptime again 
Trying out the jumperoo- still too short to touch the ground 
It was a little colder today after all the rain lol

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 147- Sweltering Saturday :)

So it was a little toasty today, that means it was pool time!  Jackson, Vivienne and I started the day with a walk up to the Outback Cafe for breakfast.  They were both so good and so was the food.  Then we came home and played in the playroom until Russell got back from fishing.  Lunch and nap time followed (I snuck in a nap too!) and then it was swimming time.  Jackson had a ton of fun and Vivienne did not like the cold water.  I can't wait to take them to a real pool this summer.  It's late and I just finished homework so we'll make tonight quick.  A couple more hot days and then it's cooling off for the start of our summer vacation.
Play time 
She loves being spoiled
Vroom goes Jackson 
 Hi! I'm up to 5 minute tummy times before I pitch a fit lol
Holding toys now :)  
Jackson teaching her about the exersaucer 
Woah- cold! 
These can splash 
He decided to pretend to be Joe- it was hilarious and came out of nowhere 
That's my boy, I think he wants me to buy him a new hat