We had a rough day here. Well, Vivienne had a rough day- Jackson was excellent. The teething poo has hit and her poor little bottom is bright red :( Coupled with an upset tummy from the drool and then shots this afternoon, she was not a happy camper. I finally gave in and gave her motrin so she could get some much needed sleep. Jackson has been so patient today, as she has been pretty needy. He'd happily play by himself, read books to me, watch choo choo, get burp cloths, etc. I'm really lucky to have such an awesome toddler.
Oh and Vivienne rolled over today, finally. She went from back to belly and then flipped out b/c she was stuck on her belly and then wouldn't try again. Oh well, she can do it :) We did have some good moments today and I loved how cuddly she was. I just wish she felt better. Hopefully tomorrow she wakes up refreshed and feeling good and the coconut oil does its job and her bottom is better.
Her four month stats (10 days late) are: 24.5 inches (31%) 15lbs 4oz (65%)
Looking back, Jackson was: 25.5 inches and 14lbs 14oz they aren't too far off, though clothing wise, I definitely see the difference.
Morning mama
Little bit of Thomas time so Mama can do some homework
Vivienne lost her teether, so Jackson filled in
He had eggs EVERYWHERE
Come on Joe!
Chillin' pool side
Talking to Bernie and Joe
Making a train
Here Mama- you play
Nap time in the swing
He insisted on using my fork or he wouldn't eat the strawberries
Clearly, it's the little things in life
Another brief nap- notice her camo band aids- true WV doctors.