Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 126- Cheese

Jackson has figured out how to use the camera and will sneak and grab it to take pictures any chance he gets.  When I have it, he tells me who needs their picture taken, but as I take Vivienne's (even if he tells me to) he starts frantically yelling "cheese" so that the attention returns to him quickly.  He has also started "reading" his bedtime story with us, making all the sounds on each page.  He then takes the book and sleeps with it, he cracks me up.
We had a bit of a rough morning because poor Vivienne was exhausted and every time she's just about to fall asleep Jackson comes and gives her a hug, a kiss, a toy, something that jolts her back awake.  Finally, she fell asleep pretty quickly after he went down for his nap.  We then had a pretty quiet evening.  I'm looking forward to another do nothing day tomorrow- Russell will be home, so I might even sneak in a nap with Vivienne. 

 One of Jackson's beautiful pictures
Hanging with his choo choos 
Taking a very important call 
 Hanging out while Mama cleans up lunch
Night night 
Relaxing in her snapless 
 Talking with mama while Jackson gets his bath
Showing off my pinning skills

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