This will be quick because I'm past ready for bed. We had a good evening, it was late and out of order, but for good reasons. I went grocery shopping after school and then picked up the kids. We got home around 5 and I got Vivienne fed, both diapers changed, and groceries put away by 5:40. Then I decided we could go for a quick walk around the block so that the kids would be nice and tired and we could enjoy the nice evening. Well.... Jackson said he wanted to walk, so I put Vivienne in the Ergo and we left the stroller at home- big mistake. Jackson tried to pick up every rock along the way, would stop in the middle of the street to sit down and play with his car. He would run and roll in the grass, he would start to run and then fall and skin his knees. He was having a great time, but our 15 minute walk took an hour and 15 minutes and me throwing him in the Ergo and carrying her for the last half just to get him to focus and come. I love how excited he gets about little things, he totally reminds me what a beautiful, exciting world we live in. I try to see things through his eyes and life is just so much more fulfilling. We came home and had dinner then Little Miss was exhausted so I went ahead and did her bath and put her to sleep before I got Jackson ready. He must have been tired because he dragged his piwwoah (pillow) and cubah (covers) out to the middle of the floor and pretended to sleep while Vivienne was in the bath. Thank goodness for Thomas and Friends, he left Vivienne alone long enough to get her crabby butt to bed. Then I had clothes to fold, food to make for tomorrow, and dinner to clean up. Oh well, tomorrow is Friday and the last day of school! I can't wait for this weekend and getting their pools out and sneaking a nap or two.

Jackson's swimming wardrobe- thanks Uncle Ryan for the set on the right (Cloth swim diapers are cool and cheap folks, you should try them out!)
Vivienne's swimmi's- Thanks mamaw for the suit in the middle and Uncle Ryan for the ladybug suit
She will totally be the girl with shorts under her skirts (if she ever wears them)
Hanging out together, sort of
Off we go
A rock!
Walking in style
Rock throwing is super fun
Well cars go in the road, right mom
Fine if I'm the side walk- can I play with my car then?
Looking for more rocks
Bye car
How we walked home the last 1/2 of our walk
Jackson waiting for me to get the baby to bed, yeah I can take a hint!
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