Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 195- Rainy Day

We stayed inside today, which was a good thing.  Jackson had nothing but accidents today.  Hopefully tomorrow, having help- we can have a really successful day.  He really loves wearing his underwear.  One positive progress is that now he will stop himself mid accident and immediately tell me "ewwwwwww." So he's not liking having accidents and he's recognizing them, that's a definite positive step.  I'm not too worried, I think he's doing fine, despite the accidents.
Sleepwise, however ugh!  I was sound asleep last night and a I hear little feet headed my way at 1:30am-- "hey, mama- choo choo?" so I set him up watching Thomas on Russell's computer in his bed. Well every 20 minutes he wants something else.  So we moved out to the living room because I was afraid he'd wake up Vivienne.  Finally around 5:00 am he crashed.  My sweet, fabulous daughter slept in until 9:00 so I got some sleep after all.  Jackson woke back up around 10:30, so he didn't take a nap this afternoon and he's passed out beside me now.
Vivienne is officially a rock n play napper.  She took a 3 hour nap this afternoon without me :( Fortunately she's still cuddly.
Tonight at dinner she really wanted to steal my pizza so we set her up in the highchair and let her try some banana- she was definitely not impressed.  We'll try again next week when she's officially 6 months old (how is that even possible?) If she's not ready then we'll keep trying once a week until she's ready.  It amazes me how these two children are such opposites already.
5 am 
He stole my pillow, but brought me his pillow pet as a consolation  
 Morning playtime while big brother sleeps
It's raining 
 Bye Mom
 Laughing at Jackson
 baby talk
 trying to find the banana on her tray
 oh my word mother- what is this?
 it's terrible!
Getting stronger and stronger 
It takes a lot of muscle, but she's almost on all 4s

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