Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 187- Playroom and Potty

We are slowly easing our way into potty training.  Jackson peed after dinner, got his sticker and candy, and then wore big boy underwear until bath time.  After reading a bazillion potty training guides, I decided that with Jackson we just need to do it for short increments, slowly making them longer and longer to increase the likelihood for success- we'll see if I'm right.  I like the concept of the potty training in 3 days, but with 2 dogs and an infant, I can't give him all my attention.

I finished all the things I could in my classroom today and then went to Walmart and finished everything up with an hour to spare, so I worked a little more on the playroom.  It's starting to come together, but I still have some projects to go to get it how I want it.

Vivienne is sound asleep and I'm being held hostage by a very active toddler yet again.  I am so thankful tomorrow is the last day of summer school.  I need a break, but first we have one last trip this weekend.

 How the toys are sort of organized, with color window stickers since he's really interested in learning his colors right now
 Suess numbers in English and (much to Russell's dismay) Spanish
Alphabet, vowels, numbers, rules, paper, markers, crayons, coloring books and table 
Artwork, pictures,word art, white boards, headbands and hair clips 
 books, blankets, radio, extra diaper supplies
 a little playtime with miss Vivienne
 it was one of Jackson's favorite toys too
yellow cars make me happy 
 putting "diesel" on the bouncer
big boy underwear! 
 earning stickers quickly!
we made yellow water

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