Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 222- Clean House

Today was spent cleaning, running errands, and visiting with Jen and her beautiful new baby.  Then we we came home we had dinner and Jackson decided he wanted to get in on the cleaning an he grabbed the broom and pushed it around the house yelling "clean house, clean floor."  He was cracking me up- I hope he likes to clean this much in 5 years.
Vivienne is spending her first night in the crib tonight.  She played a little and went right to sleep.  She's growing up too fast!  2 more days and I'll have a 2 year old- crazy!
Hmm a bowl 
The broccoli sucks, but the bowl is tasty 
Seriously Mom, just give me the milk 
Hmmm I might be tempted by toast 
Yay- strawberry! 
This kid loves his grapes 
 Clean house
Clean baby 
 She's starting to make silly faces
You're really pushing this crawling thing, aren't ya mom?  
Choo choo 
 Jackson and his mouse friends
Silly Goofy 
Sound asleep in the crib- at least she made the transition easy

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