Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 235- starting to get into routine

We are finally starting to settle into our routine. I think I'll have everyone in bed and asleep by 8:30.  We had a pretty good day, though school is already hitting hard and I didn't make it home until 5:15.  We had spaghetti with some sauce I canned earlier.  Vivienne loved it, Jackson took 2 bites but ate all of his fruit and mine so it all evened out.
Bathtime was a different story.  We had a great 15 minutes in the bath and decided to facetime Russell, which has become a routine when he's gone so he can be a part of their bedtime routine.  Jackson started by stealing the toy Vivienne had, then started with a terrible screech which he continued until Vivienne cried.  I told him that hurt her ears so he leaned forward and did it right in her ears- nice, huh.  I pulled her out of the tub and got her settled and Jackson made himself puke.  Sometimes I totally wonder what gets in this kid!  After we got all cleaned up, he was just fine, played trains and was super sweet to Vivienne. Oh the mind of a 2 year old!
Now it's mickey mouse and off to bed!
Ready for Ms. Brenda's 
Fun times in the crib 
testing out his choo choo bed 
Small steps, he got a sticker for laying in it 
Eating spaghetti 
Dinner time mama! 
Enjoyed his fruit a little 
She starting picking up pieces by herself 
A little time with the trains

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