Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 198-Walk, Walk

We enjoyed 2 walks today and both kids took a nap at the same time.  It was a heavenly day, topped off with ice cream.  (Now everyone keep your fingers crossed that Vivienne doesn't react to the dairy and she's outgrown it!)  We didn't have a lot of indoor playtime, but we had fun splashing in puddles with Miss Kristina this morning and then Dada, Joe, and Bernie came with us for our nighttime walk.
After a rough start to the night last night, Jackson crawled in bed with me and slept soundly from midnight to 8 am.  Then took a 2 hour nap this afternoon.  I hope he sleeps well again tonight and we start making our way back to a healthy schedule.
We tried some different things for Vivienne to eat tonight, she wanted nothing to do with it. I tried feeding her, she promptly gave me a very offended look and stole the spoon.  Her faces during dinner say it all- Little Miss is happy simply nursing for the time being.  Maybe we'll try again in a week or so.
 Showing off her dimple
Jackson showing Vivienne how to crawl 
 neither one of them too impressed with the outcome
music please! 
 So disappointed that there was no book in the book jacket
 taking a snooze
Both worn out 
 She spit out the little bit I tried to give her
 It's not any better coming from me either mom
Fine I'll try 
Happy?  I still hate it 
Oh my gosh- disgusting 
Well my hot dog is good...
 Enough teasing Jackson

 Toys are much better for the high chair than that slop you served me
dessert at McDonald's tonight 
He and Dada split the sundae and the cone

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