Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 262- Festival, Day 2

We had a blast today!  This afternoon we watched the children's parade, got to play at Partigras, and then got to watch fireworks on the front porch swing while Miss Vivienne slept.  Russell came along with us downtown and it was a great way to spend our 6th anniversary. Vivienne was a happy lady most of the day and enjoyed watching all the people and getting lots of attention.  Jackson had so much fun that he crashed before we left.  He also won a free ride pass for a day, so we'll have to find a night for him to check out all the kiddie rides. He slept from while we are waiting in line for a balloon around 4:45 until 7:45.  So hopefully he'll still be ready to head to bed very soon.
 Getting ready to go to the parade
Enjoying the show 
Vivienne was enjoying it too, though she looks half asleep here 
Sleepy Jackson 
Watching all the people 
Answering his trivia question 
Showing his terrible Henry tattoo (thank goodness we have Thomas tattoos at home!) 
His favorite place- the bubble wagon 
 He was soaked with bubbles
 Great bubble weather, very windy
Jackson's big bubbles 
He had a blast 
I think we need a bubble wagon 
 He liked watching other people make bubbles too
 Vivienne was so not impressed with the bubbles
Popping a big one 
A little more intrigued by the show 
Out cold  
Lots of toys, but she loves the bag 
Happy girl 
Kiss his fish 
Cheese mama 
Fishy kisses for Vivienne 
Trying to teach Vivienne how to crawl

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 261- Festival Kick Off

We had a laid back day fighting the runny noses, but did take an hour to go watch the Forest Festival's opening ceremony, which featured music by my elementary school's choir.  The kids did a great job.

Jackson was happy to come because there were lots of kids around his age to play with, Vivienne hung out in the Ergo as usual and enjoyed people watching.

I didn't get a lot of pictures today, but there are a few from me and Vivienne hanging out before anyone else go up this morning and then Jackson playing in the leaves at the opening ceremony.
Eating her toes! 
Happy lady 
Look at those leaves!
Driving Henry through the leave pile 
Making a mess out of the leaves

Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 261- Playmates

I'm glad it's Friday and looking forward to Festival week. We are off to bed so we can see opening ceremonies tomorrow, students from my school are performing so that will be great for the kids to watch. Vivienne and Jackson were in a great mood today.  We went to Krogers and then came home to play and have dinner. They are doing much better playing together and it's fun to watch them sharing and taking turns.
Happy to  be hanging out with her big brother 
munch munch munch 
Playing with trains is intense 
Pausing to humor me 
I won't get tired of this :) 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 260- Dad's Crack at Posting

Both Jackson and Vivienne had a great time playing at home today.  Dada had the day off work today and Mama had to work late this evening, so we had quite a bit of time together.  Viv was the early riser this morning, with Jackson following about an hour later.  He immediately set to work building tracks and driving trains all over them.  He played with nothing but trains all day.  We ended up with three separate tracks spread across the living room and kitchen.  I guess this is why he will mutter in his sleep something like, "Train go down hill, Mama."  Vivienne had quite the day playing as well.  She was really good and a really easy baby despite her runny nose.  She played on her blanket most of the morning, had a bottle and went down for a nap.  In the afternoon all three of us had a great time wrestling a little bit.  Jackson and Vivienne were both laughing as they "got" one another.  Viv is down for the count, so now it's time for some Cars and Jackson and Mama's bedtime shortly.

 He shoved the chair over to the stove and told me "I want cook eggs"
 Naptime protest- tore the mobile down and is smiling about it
 "No eat peas either, Dada"
 Cheesin' for the camera
 On his second quart of peas for the day
 Hooking Viv up with some snacktime peas
 What a Ham
He kept telling her "Drink it all, baby."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 259- Busy, busy

Today we had an RCEA meeting after school, so the kids and I didn't get home until 6:30. We had a little playtime then bath and bed. I have another long day tomorrow with parent teacher conferences, but their Dad is supposed to watch them, so hopefully I can get some things done and relax a little next week during Forest Festival.  Vivienne is starting to get a runny nose, so pray it goes away and she doesn't end up with croup too.  Jackson is finally starting to look and sound better today. *I do try to balance the photos of each child, but Jackson likes his train tracks so much these days, it's hard to get his face more than once and Vivienne loves the camera- so it's her 15 minutes right now :)
Happy lady <3 that smile 
Brought his wagon of train tracks over to build 
Playing with puppy 
Crawling backwards  
 Teeeeeeeeeeeeeth- at least I saw a smiling face :) 
I'm going to get you Mama

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 258- Doctors Appointment

After Jackson was up much of last night with breathing issues and Vivienne woke up with bleeding blisters in her diaper, we headed to the doctor's office.  Jackson has croup and will have steroids for a few days and Vivienne has an infected diaper rash (her first rash) and we have to watch to make sure it doesn't get into her blood.
After the kids slept the afternoon away, they were in great moods, but I'm beat.  So off to bed for me.  Here are a few pics from after dinner play. Oh and Vivienne pulled herself up to standing for the first time today in the crib after her bath!
 I'm building train tracks Mama!
Yummy ribbit 
Playing trains 
 Vivienne kept stealing his trains, Jackson did not like playing with her
 Don't. touch. my. Henry.
Playing with one of her favorites 
Sharing his fish stick snacks 
Hi Mama! 
A little playtime with Joe