Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7- B.R.A.T.

Now don't stress, I'm not calling Jackson names- it's the diet he's on after throwing up 2 more times today :) Much to his dismay he's taking a milk hiatus.  He didn't have a fever today and was in a much better mood after his nap though.  He is refusing the pedialyte and will only drink water with ice cubes, but at least we are getting some liquids in him.  He had a huge dinner with 2 bananas, (no rice), 2 bowls of applesauce, and one piece of dry toast. Hopefully, that fully belly will help him rest all night long with no messy diapers or upset tummy and he wakes up feeling much, much better.

I finally feel like I'm making some progress on their playroom and nursery.  I found a rug at Walmart today as well as some PJs for both kids.  Jackson got an Elmo fork and spoon too- he's getting big and those baby spoons just aren't enough for him.  I have the diaper station just about ready with the pack n' play.  I'll get the peri-bottle at the hospital to hold the wipe solution and I'm hoping to pick up some cheap Circo washcloths at Target to cut into some extra wipes.  I also still have gift cards/ reward bucks at Mom's Milk Boutique and EcoMom so I hope to get some super nice wipes there.

I finally  made a list of things I need to get done by the 20th and I think it's achievable, let's just hope this baby stays put until then.  I also finally finished my short list of things that I'll need (which many came up when Jackson got sick the other night).  I'm happy to say that there is nothing that I'll need right away so I think we're set.  I can't believe it's almost time to have another baby!

Good morning growl 
he likes me to sit there while he takes his time waking up in the morning 
Watching his sea horse and cuddling with Mr. Monkey 
How most of the pre-nap morning went 
Banana #2- don't judge mom- I haven't kept much down in 3 days 
He thought Joe Dog was cold so he covered him up with a blanket 
 The second half of banana number 2
 Cuddling with Joe
At least Joe could get him to smile today 

Puppy kisses
Mama- my bowl is empty :(

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