Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 112- The Great Cloth Diaper Change SUPER PICTURE HEAVY

We made the drive to participate in the Great Cloth Diaper Change in Pittsburgh.   The idea is that it is held on Earth Day weekend and all over the world people change their babies into cloth diapers at the same time.  It comes at the culmination of real diaper week.  This is to gain attention to cloth diapers, how far they have come, and the benefits to your baby and the earth.  The impact of disposable diapers is absolutely staggering.

I have found, at least for me, using cloth diapers has been a gateway to a greener way of life.  I have made many connections online (some of whom I met in person in Pittsburgh) and I have learned so much about ways to save money and the environment at the same time.  Prior to taking on this parenting adventure, I found myself thinking that going green meant spending money.  After all, the "organic" things at the store are always more money than their competition.  Then I learned how there are even better ways than buying organic.  Some of the changes that I have made in the past 2 years are:
unpaper towels
cloth diapers and wipes
cleaning with vinegar and baking soda
homemade dish detergent
homemade laundry detergent
using the sun to remove stains
reusable snack bags and containers
planting a garden
wooden toys
wool pants
baby led weaning
reusable bags for shopping

I know I still have a long way to go, but I'm proud of the values that I am teaching my children by making these changes the norm in our household.  I try to make one change a season, one thing that I can focus on and learn about, because like everything worth doing- education is key.  Some of these changes aren't for everyone and I get that, but they have fit so naturally into our lives that sometimes I forget how they aren't normal for others.

Ok stepping off of my soapbox

After we went to the GCDC in Pittsburgh we headed over to the Children's Museum since it was such a crummy day out.  Jackson had an absolute blast!  His favorites were the cars, the trains, and the water.  He was so perfect, no hitting, following directions, no tantrums, and even sharing with other kids.  Vivienne was pretty good too.  They had a floor for little ones like her so she got to get out and play with some toys.  They also had a nursing area.  That was super nice- here in Elkins no such places exist and I'd much rather have a comfy chair to feed Vivienne in than in the car or try to find some place.  We stopped to visit Russell's cousin on the way home and made it in pretty late.  Both kids skipped baths and were sound asleep within the hour.  It was an absolutely awesome day and I'm really looking forward to heading back to Pittsburgh in June.

 Getting ready for the change in her XS Mocha Sbish longies
Jackson taking it all in  
Laughing at the thought that we want him to stay on a changing pad- on the floor 
 Playing with cars waiting our turn
Getting ready to change into her Mermaid Song Twinkie Tush 
Jackson going into his Very Hungry Caterpillar Click a Doo 
All changed! 
Vivienne all done- they can say they were in the Guinness Book of World Records now (at least for one year!) 
Wow- I can reach without the stool 
It goes right in here 

 Woah!  Check out the car
So excited to watch the car go down (but he was not giving up the other one) 
Kid took my choo choo 
Mime!  Jackson and his choo choo stash 
Now I know what he's getting for his birthday 
Choo choo 
spinning the bubbles 
Playing in the birdseed pit 
Painting with water- genius! 
and back to the trains 
 trying to find the perfect one
He had so much fun! 
 painting away
look what I did 
night night 
Yeah- that bucket ended up on my feet 
splashing away 
Getting the shark from the bottom- I'm not sure how we managed to keep him on the outside of the pool 
pool cleaner 
 wait- what's he got? 
looking for toys 
I'll let him do the work and then I'll grab it 

Best way to make him happy- splashing 
 Literally had to drag him away from the water at closing time
 Drying off the baby and the shirt
Big helper 
Our family portrait lol 
Big tire 
spinning the sand around 
Mr. Rodger's shoes 
 Vivienne and I waiting for Jackson to come down the slide
 not how he started out
 Dad had to bring him down so we could leave
She was actually smiling in the car seat!

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