Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 96- Messy

Vivienne napped all morning, Jackson napped all afternoon so I got a lot of one on one time with each kid.  It was nice to be able to completely focus on each one for an extended period of time.  We got some crafts done, talking, and playing. After dinner we colored eggs tonight, Jackson had a blast and thank goodness I'm a teacher and know quick clean up tricks (like a cheap vinyl table cloth as our work space) because there was egg dye EVERYWHERE!  Now both kids are sleeping and we have a busy weekend ahead of us so I'm going to try and get some sleep.  I"m really looking forward to next weekend, I'm hoping that it's just the 4 of us with nowhere to go so that maybe I can sneak in a nap when Vivienne naps.  It's been over a month since I've had a chance to do that and caffeine can only work for so long.
Morning Mama! 
Stretching out the sleepies 
That's better- now I'm ready to play! 
Chillin' with Joe Dog 
Tire track painting 
He liked to paint on our mess mat too 
Getting ready to take another run on the paper 
Do you think it looks good Mama? 
Work of art! 
Jackson's newest trick, balancing food on his head before he eats it 
Check out this concentration 
 Where's my pear? 
 I'm so talented I can even drink and keep it on my head
 Tummy time success
Happy girl 
Having fun sitting up 
 Jackson was trying to console her- she wasn't having it
Not impressed with his dinosaur, but he means well 
 Ready to dye eggs
Green was by far his favorite color 
Notice the stacked eggs and dye everywhere- no one is going to accuse us of doing it for him 
Don't you DARE take my green egg! 
 Happy babies make messes
Father, do I look like I'm done?  
Fine! Just take them then- whatever, I don't care 
It's cool, we'll pound it out 
He decided to help put some eggs in the carton 
 Look what I made Mama!
Eww- I got somethign on my finger 
 Now that the cups are gone, the dye is super fun to splash
We had to let him drip dry 
Vivienne was not impressed by the clean up 
Rainbow baby!

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