Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 127- cutting the chaos

On Jackson's head that is- he finally got a much needed hair cut today.  He looks much better, in my opinion.  While I love his crazy hair- it gets out of control quickly.  We had a quiet, lazy day at home today.  With some much needed rest.  I've been hopping through teacher blogs all day downloading free resources that are being given out through for teacher appreciation day.  It's a lot of work, but so worth it- there are great things out there.
Vivienne has been moving her bedtime later and later, we're going to have to work on that!  She's growing quickly and getting more and more interested into the things around her.  She's also starting to get attached to her lovey- which will be great for getting to independent sleeping.  We have a busy next few weeks coming up, so it's good that I have Tuesday off to try and get some things organized to make that easier.
Next weekend is Vivienne's baptism, I'm looking forward to visiting with family and Vivienne is excited to meet lots of new people.  I have a lot more downloading to do to get through these blogs, so enjoy tonight's pictures!
Oh but first I wanted to share this article on comfort nursing- I think it's really informative and helps answer the "didn't she just eat?" question that arises when a stressed out/overtired/etc baby wants to nurse and nurse and nurse.
Oh hi mama! 
Helping make a grocery list- he stole this and wouldn't give it back, just kept yelling "read" 
Laying on it so I can't read it 
Picking out his favorite things 
 Hanging out watching Elmo
Playtime with Mama 
 Really loving that ball today
 Tummy time success 5 minutes (yeah we are total tummy time fails in this house)
Eating pizza in a big boy chair with a big boy plate 
 Hanging out in the swing while we cut Jackson's hair
 Where did my hair go? 
 Swinging with quack quack

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